Monthly Archives: December 2018


Critical Score:  65

Starring:  Eva Melander, Eero Milonoff

Director:  Ali Abbasi

Border is just too weird.  I watched the whole thing, but it was very strange.  It took some interesting turns; acting was very good; basically science fiction.  It’s a Swedish movie with English subtitles.  The two stars are supposedly “Trolls” or something other than not quite human.  Probably would not recommend unless you are Swedish or a fan of one of these two actors, or if you like very different science fiction flicks.

Green Book

Critical Score:  85

Starring:  Viggo Mortenson, Mahershala Ali, Linda Carellini

Director:  Pater Farrelly

Viggo will probably get nominated for best actor; Mahershala was excellent too.  Very entertaining – might have been a little far fetched at times, but overall very good.