Recap of last night’s Democratic Debate:

  • Biden continued to have a terrible debate.  He definitely has a lot of support in South Carolina.  The crowd was on his side more so than in any other debate.  However, he continues to massively struggle just to get the right words out of his mouth.  He has such a hard time expressing himself.  This is important for a presidential candidate.  His communication skills alone disqualify him.
    • Much of the time, the point he is trying to make is totally lost.  It’s like… what are you even talking about ??
    • He continually repeats the same phrases, over and over, that add no substance to his talking point….  such as “The fact of the matter is…”  OMG, how many times is he going to say these words !!!  Then, every time he speaks it’s – “number one…” blah, blah, blah, struggle, struggle, struggle, “number two…” blah, blah, blah, struggle, confusion, yell, struggle, and “number three” BLAH, and then it’s like – ok, what were your 3 points ?  What did you say ?  Does that even make sense ?    Another one of his doozies is “Period”.  Last night, it was, “period, period, period” .  Then randomly out of nowhere “Period”.  YAY !!  That adds no value; there is no substance in “period”.
    • Last night his response to the last question (what is the biggest misconception about you and what is your motto?),  his answer to the first part was, “I think I have more hair than I really do”.   WHAT ??!!  What are you talking about ?  That makes no sense whatsoever.  It’s definitly not even close to funny.
    • Also, he keeps whining and complaining about how he stops talking when his time is up – as if it’s everyone else’s fault that he, himself decides to stop talking.   Hey JOE,  if you don’t want to stop talking when your time is up, THEN DON’T !!  Stop whining and complaining about it.   The real reason he stops talking is because he has nothing to say.  It looks like he’s struggling so hard just to get through the night.  Like, he has no real point or agenda that he wants to convey.  He just wants to look like the most average, garden variety, moderate democrat – and what comes across is that he doesn’t really care about anything in particular.  It seems like he has been pressured by the Democratic Party to run and he just kind of went along with the idea.  He’s just not a leader.
  • Mayor Pete has had good debates throughout.  Last night was his worst — simply because he CONSTANTLY interrupted.  It was distracting and annoying.  He kept doing it over and over.  it was awkward when he continued to try to attack Bernie.  He would have faired much better if he would have just waited for his time to speak and made his points.
  •  Amy Klobuchar had another good debate, however, she interrupted too often as well.  Not as bad as Pete, but she could have just waited for her time.  They would have given her time.  She has been very consistent and strong in all of the debates so far.
  •  The moderators were terrible; there was no real leader.  They could not control the candidates.  Someone with a strong voice needed to stand up and say, “HEY, quit interrupting.  Everyone will get there chance.”  Also, they didn’t enforce the rules of the debate very well.  Sometimes they cut people off early and many times they did not give a candidate the opportunity to respond to someone who mentioned their name.  This happened many times to Bernie.  His name was mentioned and they did not let him respond.
  • Elizabeth Warren had another good debate.  She attacked Bloomberg again for his NDA agreements – and rightfully so.  Elizabeth speaks very well; very clearly and slowly so everyone can follow what she’s saying and almost always has a definitive point to make.  (The opposite of Biden)
  •  Bloomberg had a weak night again.  Not as bad as his first debate, but it was still pretty bad.  He comes to the debates with a lot of republican talking points; he has supported many republicans in the past such as Lindsay Graham and many others.  He supported Elizabeth Warren’s opponent many years ago.  He is practically a Republican.  At one point he said, “I’m surprised all of you are standing up here tonight, given how badly I won the last debate.”  What ???  Was that suppose to be funny ?  He got absolutely crushed at his first debate.
  •  Bernie had another good night.  He is very comfortable in his own skin.  He did a great job of slowing down and lowering the temperature of the debate as a whole.  He makes clear points and has been extremely consistent over decades in the public arena.  He did admit to making bad votes regarding the NRA in the past.  However, he is so obviously against the NRA in the recent past and again pointed out his current D- rating by the NRA.  Everyone on the stage wants to pass more sensible gun regulation, such as background checks and making certain weapons illegal for civilians in all circumstances.
  •  Tom Seyer had his best debate yet.  He made good points, didn’t interrupt, clearly explained his positions, and generally stayed out of the fray of tearing another candidate down.  He discussed his belief in Term Limits for those in Congress of 12 years which may really help dismantle the corruptive Fiefdoms of Mitch McConnell and the like.  He also discussed his stance on reparations for African Americans which may or may not be popular or good or bad, but at least he is taking a stance and clearly defining his platform.

Brian Shatz